ODC Kicked My BE-HIND today

I've only taken one class at ODC before today, and it was Tania Santiago's groovy Afro-Brazilian class. It was a fun experience, and she kicked my BE-hind then too. Today, friend Natalie Marsh and I attended ODC together for a dance workout day. I signed up for Lizz Roman's class, and for funsies added the Contact Improv class at noon with Kim Epifano. Well, congratulations ODC you have kicked my BE-hind yet again! I went in expecting to hurt, but man---hurt so good! I had not taken an "official" dance class since spring, and even then it was once in a blue moon. IMS felt more like a creative dance experience where I could explore the possibilities of my body, and there was dance involved but it was very free. The last time I had a regimented dance schedule was when I attended UC Berkeley. So today was, well it was challenging but at the same time it was an absolute blast! During Roman's class I kept thanking IMS for the yield and push training over the summer, and sent blessings to Amara Tabor-Smith during the plié and tondu section for the strength she has instilled in me while at Berkeley. Lizz Roman was creative, but threw in her thoughts about how dance is hard work. She reminded us to dig deep and find that extra push to keep going. If you want a good kick in the rear, take her class ASAP. It will be good for your mind, body, and spirit. During Kim Epifano's class I had flashbacks of Theater at Pasadena City College; working with professors Whitney Rydbeck and Duke Stroud on attending to character and committing to choices you do with your body. It was the first time I had taken a Contact Improv class, and Kim was great about welcoming new people into the space. The experienced contact improvers were super gracious, and I fell in love for the second time this year with my body. Sure I have a long way to go, sure I have a lot more to correct --- the journey is continuous, but man oh man...I felt so connected to people today and enjoyed sweating out the Panda Express I had inhaled all throughout the summer at the University of Utah. Long live art and dance forever. Here's to healthier lifestyle.

Check out these amazing ODC instructors and the work they do: 

Lizz Roman: http://www.lizzromananddancers.com
Kim Epifano: http://www.epiphanydance.org/work/trolley-dances/

Tania Santiago:
Afro-Brazilian with Tania Santiago from ODC Dance on Vimeo.

Click here to check out Adult Classes at ODC Dance Commons!
