New Home, Theater, and Film News!

Check out this cool kitchen. Oy!

I am back from Utah and now living in Oakland, phew! I just finished moving my things over this weekend, and have been slowly unpacking my life out of boxes. Funny the things I chose to carry with me. Makes me laugh. I am living with my dance friend Natalie Marsh, and it's such a great home! So here I am in Oakland, California -- in the world of artists, parks, great restaurants, beautiful people, and farmer markets. I am looking forward to this new community. So far, I have found inspiration everywhere in Oakland. There's a little deck in the back of the house I live in, and I can see an insurmountable amount of windows, and I wonder who the people living behind them are. Uff! Makes me want to write just thinking about it. This new home is inspiring me to write again, and I find that incredibly exciting.

In other news. I have been moving, unpacking, and going to rehearsals in the evening for a show called LIFE MACHINE. I really hope you and come to see this show. It's a great piece of art that I am proud to be part of. There's dance choreographed by the wonderful Sophie Needelman of The Defiance Project, there's acting by some of the most talented people I've had the pleasure of meeting in the Bay. I feel as though I am getting to know a new world of art in the Bay. And how absolutely wonderful that this performance is in the same district I started performing in, back when I started performing outside of school again with Renée Rhodes. Life Machine is going to be at the Dogpatch in San Francisco, and it starts this Friday! Jesus, time flies when you're having fun.

The show runs November 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 at Danzhaus Studio, 1275 Connecticut Street, San Francisco, CA. Tickets are $20 General Admission and $15 for under 30s. For ticket purchase information click here:

One more thing friends, I have to tell you about a new dance short film. You have to check it out, it's beyond cool. First of all, if you have not heard of dance films -- please look them up online. It's a great new category in filmmaking and they hold their own genres. Like SID THE FILM for example. SID is this awesome new project I want to talk to the whole entire world about. It's directed by Ben Estabrook, and it's about a robot lady who goes into the world of Ballet. What? Did you like Black Swan? Do you enjoy robots? Then check out their website: ... and

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