NY & DraftWork with Danspace Project

New York challenges the artist.
Someone asked me...

"If you could drop everything and do what you want to do right now, what would it be?!"
I really don't know how to carefully answer this question. I don't know what to label myself as. This blog already carries enough labels for people to process. I will try to keep it short: I am working on a novel, and working towards being a member and collaborator in my artistic community.


In NY, I have met people who are starting their careers fresh out of college, and people who are re-inventing themselves after years of a dormant creative life. I have interviewed dancers, directors, and filmed one of the most invigorating dance pieces I have seen in a long time. Paloma McGregor's piece Building a Better Fishtrap was performed today at DraftWork in association with Danspace Project; curated by Ishmael Houston-Jones. Her piece touches upon memory, the value of tradition, the importance of ritual, and the strength behind collaboration and community.

Because of this job, I spent time with beautiful people in Manhattan and Brooklyn. I've been getting great advice and it's safe to say that there is inspiration everywhere in this town. I have shared a space with amazing dancers, who welcomed me into their circle and allowed me to get in their face while they did their thing on the dance floor.  And tonight, I filmed my last interview with an amazing cast member. There is so much history in this town, and yet so many fresh voices emerging from the dungeons of the art world. People are speaking up, and processes are being developed.
