Heather Rastovac, the Yoga Dance Artist!

Heather Rastovac is a woman with many talents. She is a dance artist, a certified yoga instructor, a scholar and PhD candidate at UC Berkeley, an artistic director, and a super hero. Seriously though, check out her facebook page below and read her bio. She is an impressive human being.

Heather and I performed in the show From the Field to the Table last October, and she's been a great friend since. We've had conversations about our projects, about our academic goals, and about what it means to make art today in a technological world. She's even given me fashion advice and consoled me through an ugly case of writer's block a couple of weeks ago. She is a world of knowledge bundled up in a smile and warm embrace. I can go on for days, but the main reason I am writing is to share her new Facebook page!

Heather will be helping Darren Main's community yoga class at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. To learn more about the gathering, check out the article and link below. I don't know about you, but I plan on being there real soon. Congratulations Heather and rock on!

Like it and follow!
Heather Rastovac's Page: https://www.facebook.com/HeatherRastovacDanceYogaScholar
Labyrinth Yoga at Grace Cathedral: http://labyrinthyoga.com
SFBG Article on Labyrinth Yoga
