Living and Learning

Pietro Magni, The Reading Girl at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

Today, I feel as pensive as this sculpture of The Reading Girl I saw today at the National Gallery of Art. This trip has been intense in so many different ways. I have learned so much about myself as a person, a woman of color, and as an artist. I have met wonderful activists and organizers who stand for positive change in the immigration front. I even met with an alumni from Inner-City Filmmakers who gave me direct and sound advice about the next decisions in my life. So in a nutshell:

Things I learned on this trip:

  • Follow your intuition.
  • Always put your name on your work.
  • Work with people you like.
  • Network with people you like.
  • Surround yourself with people who help you succeed. 
  • Continue to make art that is meaningful to you and that you feel supports your community.
  • Be passionate about the work you do. 

This is the time for me. I have to decide what comes next: grad school, film/tv industry, writing, or travel. I have to decide and it's solely my decision. But the most important thing I learned on this trip is that I am ready for the next adventure, and the one after that, and the one after that. I am ready to push myself to the next level. 

Thank you D.C. You provided clarity.    Time to fly.

National Gallery of Art:


  1. Curious... With all your artistic endeavors and traveling, how are you able to support yourself financially? I'm an avid reader of your blog and I admire your grand ambition, however; I've always been curious as to how you expect to reach such lofty goals (grad school, travel) when everything costs so much. Are your parents still supporting you? Were they the ones who put you through school in the first place? At what point do you start taking care of yourself completly?

  2. Dear Anonymous, thanks so much for your comment/questions. I appreciate it. My lofty ambitions are goals I set for the future. They are not necessarily things I am going to do tomorrow, but something I want to see happen in the next 2-10 years. I am throw things out into the universe like that. I feel that "lofty" goals are necessary for me. It keeps me aiming high. Some grad programs give you a stipend and some programs make you pay a lot of money, but it depends on what you want to do. I've been asking people who have already made that transition in their big lives questions to help me figure things out. For example, the Inner-City Filmmakers alumni I met with today is now a lawyer. I was curious about law for a second and asked him to be blunt with me. That information he provided as an insider was extremely helpful. I had lunch with a UC Berkeley professor and told her I was worried about what to do next. She smiled at me and said, "Rosa, I went back to grad school when I was 45, and you're so young. Live a little more." You can't imagine what a relief it was to hear her say that. I support myself with my multiple jobs here in the bay area and I also do some freelance videography and video editing work. I've been taking care of myself for some time now. My parents did not put me through school. Financial aid helped me out, and I just paid my first loan installment earlier this month (horrah adulthood!). I am grabbing every opportunity that I can. Travel might fall under the job category for me this summer. Travel doesn't necessarily mean vacation, but I'm okay with that. And to your last question, I believe you start taking care of yourself when you feel ready to do so. When you feel like you can take that step on your own without looking back. It's a pretty big deal and I'm still learning. But I have to say, it's nice telling my mom over the phone, "No thanks mom, I'm doing well." It took time for me to get to this point though, and in this economy I wonder how students do it fresh out of college. Thankfully, I had some prior work experience to cushion my post-graduate blues. I also say, it's okay to ask for help when you need it. NEED not WANT. And although I like taking care of myself, I do enjoy coming home for the holidays and getting spoiled by my mom like only she knows how! Feel free to email me if you have additional questions:


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