Figurative Tuesday Writing Group

Doing all this video work has made me a little rusty on the creative writing side of my life. To remedy this, I have joined a writing group! Yes, yes -- a fantastic writing group with fun people. Yesterday was our second meeting. We have poets, screenwriters, fiction writers, and then there's me and my writing partner Michael. Normally I write short fiction, but if you've been following my blog you know that this year I am challenging myself and pushing towards things that are funny and take me out of my comfort zone as an artist. So here I go -- writing within a genre that really scares me, but I am doing it! I am venturing into Fantasy Writing. God help me and these poor souls who are going to go through my experimental stage. Though, I have to say that if I am afraid of writing it than that's a good sign. Right? Man, I sure hope so. Time to grease the fingers and return to writing -- for myself, for friends, and for work! Wish me luck. This summer has many adventures ahead.

Photo by Christine Deakers
