Music Love: jamming con Lilia

Yard sale memories.

There is something absolutely wonderful about grabbing an instrument and connecting with another human being. Before I moved out to Oakland, I had the pleasure of living with an amazing young artist by the name of Lilia Shannon. Lilia and I would sometimes escape our overwhelming work, go to our backyard and play music together. We'd sing to the plants, to the curious cigarette smoking neighbors, but mostly we'd sing to each other.

Here's a small recording of Lilia and I jamming out to "Ring of Fire" which we later presented at an open mic. This recording does not incorporate roommate #3, Brittaney Baskerville, who later joined us for The Starry Plough open mic performance. Lilia is lead vocals and plays the ukulele, I play the guitar and sing back-up. Good times.

Let's play!
