"Asuntos de La Vida y La Muerte" presented by The Marsh Youth Theater & MOVING BEYOND Productions

Mi abuelita.
As part of el Dia de los Muertos celebration with community members in the Mission District, The Marsh Youth Theater & MOVIND BEYOND Productions is putting up a dance theater performance to honor those who have passed on, but are still a part of our lives.

Come to this storytelling and dance event. Watch a multi-generational group of performers grace the stage with stories about their loved ones and the impact they had in their lives. Today I dance in honor of my grandmother, Carlota Navarrete.

Alisa Clayton
Darrick Clayton
Homero Rosas
Ran Mochizuki
Rosa Navarrete
Rebecca Weisser Cervantes
And the MYT Hip Hop & World Dance students

Event: Facebook
