Writing in the time of COVID-19/Corona Virus, Part 2: A Revolution & Renaissance
Many artists have learned to cope with the changing world. A lot of the ones I know are making work that is meaningful to them and their communities. In the last few weeks I have seen an explosion of creativity during this shift in consciousness. Though some of us might have, at some point in our lives, called ourselves a minority, the word feels untrue now. We are a mighty community. Sure, there are other forces causing disruption, but in the end hate will lose. Regardless of how corrupt the system is, or the outcome of this election. Light will always prevail. All sorts of people, no matter their age, gender, or class, are rising up against hate and standing up for each other.
Though this election has me swimming in a sea of insecurity, and I am getting triggered left and right -- I stand tall. I hold the door open with my foot - for hope, opportunity, and change. For the kids at the border, for All Black Lives, queer and trans communities, artists, climate change, and for my son's future.
I live and thrive in this in between place of hope and fighting for what I want. I am feeling both these energies in my creative work too. I have never written so much, and at the same time I have never felt so frozen in time. What will the future bring?
Keep writing, I hear as I lay down to bed. I want to sleep. I'm tired. Keep writing. Keep writing. Keep writing.
Earlier this summer, I was a part of the Arts of Leadership: From Individual to Collective Impact 2020. In one of the sessions someone brought up a book I've read before with Angela's Pulse. The title of the book is Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown. One of messages that stays with me from the writing is honor process over outcome. It's a matriarchal way of thinking. My kind of jam right now.
Here's an excerpt on "collective future":
"At a collective level, this is the invitation to practice the world we wish to see in the current landscape. Yes, resist the onslaught of oppression, but measure our success not just by what we stop, but by how many of us feel, and can say:
I am living a life I don't regret
A life that will resonate with my ancestors, (1)
and with as many generations forward as I can
I am attending to the crises of my time with
my best self,
I am of communities that are doing our collective
to honor our ancestors and all humans to
(Page 55, fractal)
Patriarchal routines keep us in this machine mind, that is ultimately not healthy nor sustainable to life balance. No matter who wins this election, we are the human collective. We can't forget that.
Next. What is the function of art and artists during a critical time like the one we are in? What is our collective future?
I am an artist, a wife, and a mom with regular people bills, a part time job, and side hustle gigs. Meanwhile my kid is inching his way into his terrible two's and my parent's are maturing in to the next stages of their lives. Sometimes I throw my hands in the air and ask: What is even the point of all of this?
This virtual stuff is fun and all, but it hasn't been cutting it for many of us. Our eyes are tired, our fingers sticky, and our faces look like they're melting from so much screen time. I am so tired from smiling that when my computer is off I find myself frowning intentionally to find the counterbalance to my muscles. Socializing is changing. We are changing.
For upcoming projects, I think about how the team of creatives can create something wonderful, while still acknowledge the shift in consciousness How do we process our collective experiences during COVID-19 era and after this election?
For me, this experience has been a huge eye opener. I've been staying up late at night asking myself hard questions like, have I been making healthy choices as a mother, artist, and container of stories these past few years?
Thankfully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My artists friends are mothers, fathers, single, married, queer, straight, weird and overall brilliant. Their work and presence in my life gives me so much joy. Yes, we are in the midst of chaos, tragedies, tireless nights -- and still the artist community creates. We make work that will represent us and take others to that next level in consciousness. Artists are organizing and creating because we know that the arts feeds spirit. Communities come to our theater spaces, our workshops, our screenings to escape, to love and to connect.
Art is a necessary antidote for community. Empathy is alarmingly necessary right now more than ever in this divided country. Stepping out of our own comfort zones to witness the life of another, art has the ability to do that. Theater does that. Song does that. Films do that. Performance Art does that. Poetry does that. I have been saved by the arts, and by the works my colleagues and friends have put out into the world.
So let's create, harder.
We are in the midst of what can only be described as a revolution of minds and hearts. A renaissance of sorts is emerging -- and its intermingling with innovation in profound ways. We are colliding together; progress and tradition, and this will bring forth such fruitful works that will only elevate us to the next version of us. Whoever we may be. I am a witness and a practitioner of new modes of communication and interaction. I am excited, perplexed, and look forward to more of it.
It feels like a movie right now. We take two steps back to take three steps forward. Meanwhile, on the other side, there are very clear forces who want to keep us separated and afraid. They preach love but want to build higher walls and enforce stricter laws; all to stifle the voices of people rising up. They stain our Movements with their malicious tongues and call themselves holy. I see them willing to accept a liar as their leader. I see them on their path of fear. Too bad. The revolution and renaissance of the arts is here. It's been here, growing steadily. I've prayed for these souls numerous times, but am now saving my prayers for the dead and the missing. I am angry, tired, and I am somehow hopeful AF. It's almost 7:00 PM. Polls will close at 8:00 PM here in Los Angeles, and the anxiety is thick in the air. Soon baby will go to sleep, and I will join the nation in counting numbers. Regardless of the summation, I know this much, I am ready to fight for the people I love. I am ready to fight for our rights.
The world's on fire. Here I am with a baby on my hip and a trenza on the floor. Bring it on.
The first week, I cooked every day. |
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